From this book you'll learn about successful texting interventions and practical guidelines to create texting campaigns for better health.
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Table of Contents
Section I. The Case for Texting4Health
1. "Why Texting4Health?" by BJ Fogg
2. "The Landscape of Texting4Health" by Richard Adler
Section II. Using Texting for Health Promotion
3. "Ten Uses of Texting to Improve Health" by BJ Fogg & Enrique Allen
4. "mDiet: A Personalized Approach to Weight Management Using Text Messaging" by Kevin Patrick, Fred Raab, Marc Adams & Lindsay Dillon
5. "Text Ahhhhh for Me Please" by Mark Smith & Lisa Harris
6. "Using Technology to Promote Youth Sexual Health" by Deb Levine
7. "Texting 2 Increase Physical Activity" by Jill Fattor & Anne Friedlander
8. "Zume Life: Creating Self-Care Solutions" by Rajiv Mehta
Section III. Getting Started with Texting4Health and Research
9: "SMS and New Messaging Alternatives" by Stew A. Skomra
10. "Reach Out and Text Someone" by Jed Alpert & Benjamin Stein
11. "Creating a Remarkably Mobile Program" by Eric Holmen & Richard Adler
12. "Informing the Design of Mobile Health Messaging Services with User Research" by Dean Eckles
13. "Usability Testing for Text Messaging" by Nick Sabadosh
Section IV. International Perspectives
14. "Mobile Healthcare for a Developing World" by Ken Banks
15. "Beyond Texting: More Technologies for Health" by Paul Meyer